Michael Wulf

Michael is a lab manager currently working in the Marks lab. His role is to aid in the research of the many graduate students present in the lab, and oversee general lab upkeep. Most research he aids with is in the realm of freshwater ecology. With a background in molecular Read more…

Lydia Bailey

Lydia’s research focuses on improving restoration success in the Mojave Desert, particularly though the use of biological soil crust (biocrust). She is investigating methods for restoring biocrust in highly disturbed soils, and how increased biocrust impacts soil function and vascular plant communities. She also works on developing methods to support Read more…

Jeremy Forsythe

Jeremy Forsythe’s research focuses on the ecological mechanisms behind terrestrial plant community assembly, disturbance recovery, and the patterns of biodiversity. He combines field-based measurements of plant demographics & carbon stocks, in-situ greenhouse gas exchange observations from eddy covariance, vegetation indices from satellite remote sensing, and advanced quantitative/statistical methodologies from ecoinformatics Read more…

Mostafa Javadian

Mostafa’s research focuses on understanding the complex responses of the terrestrial biosphere to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide, climate change, and land-use change across broad temporal and spatial scales through the application of multi-scale remote sensing techniques, eddy covariance flux tower measurements, and climate data. Selected Publications Javadian, M., Scott, R.L., Read more…

Yujie Liu

Long-term ecological time series are essential for evaluating the biological impacts of global change. Continuity and consistency in available time series is absolutely critical for valid inference. We ask “Can existing AmeriFlux data be used to extend, back in time, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) datasets that did not begin Read more…

Dishant Patel

Research area of Dishant revolves around environmental microbiology, microbial genomics and metagenomics. His previous research work uncovered the complexity of enriched bacterial community to devise self-sustainable bio-electrochemical systems for textile wastewater bioremediation. Now in Navarro lab, he investigates the trophic interactions between bacteria and protists and the impact of these Read more…

Alison Post

Alison is an ecosystem ecologist interested in how grasslands respond to climate change. She’s previously used large-scale field experiments to test how grasslands respond to altered precipitation patterns. Currently, she uses repeat digital photography (PhenoCam) and modeling to understand how climate influences the timing of seasonal transitions across diverse grassland Read more…

Jon M. Wells

Jon aims to improve our understanding of global carbon cycling through data-model integration. His previous work investigated carbon flow in tropical agroecosystems, including soil carbon protection mechanisms and conversion of bioenergy grasses to fuel. He now focuses on quantifying US land carbon sequestration potential and uncertainty using matrix models and Read more…

Jasmine Anenberg

Jasmine Anenberg is currently a PhD student in ECOSS and the School of Forestry, working in a soil ecology lab co-advised by Matt Bowker and Anita Antoninka. Jasmine is exploring how to use biological soil crust as an innovative tool for ecological restoration. She is currently trying to understand the Read more…