Search Results for: han h

Green microscopic microbes, both tubular and round.

The Role of Soil Processes in the Global Carbon Cycle

When new carbon enters soil, especially carbon that is easily assimilated and decomposed by soil microorganisms, a chain reaction occurs leading to the breakdown of older soil carbon, carbon that would otherwise have remained stable. Current theory does not explain this chain reaction, sometimes called the “priming effect.” But understanding […]

Virus bacteria cells as seen in a three-dimensional microscopic rendering.

Human Microbiome

Ecoss studies the microbial communities of the human body and the implications for disease including STDs and HIV, as well as analyzing the microbial community using bioinformatics, community ecology theory and Bayesian statistical modeling.

Field site in Antarctica with a crate in the foreground and steep mountains in background.


We study soil microbial communities in Antarctica, microbes in hot spring ecosystems in Tengchong, China, methane production at Axel Heiberg Island near Greenland as an analog for life on other planets, and the distribution of soil microbial communities across the arid Southwest.

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Please consider a charitable gift to the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society this year. Scientific research in the service of society can enhance quality of life and pique human curiosity. Generous support from the university and grants from federal agencies cover only a part of our work, so your […]