Portrait of Chris Ebert, visiting researcher in a forest

Chris Ebert

Ebert’s academic background is in analytical chemistry, primarily performing atomic spectroscopy by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. He has performed isotopic analyses for nuclear science, environmental science, and forensics. This experience has lead him to ECOSS, where he will be expanding radiocarbon’s role in evaluating tundra carbon cycles and climate change. Read more…

Michaela Hayer

Hayer’s interests include the role of microbial communities in structuring plant communities and vice versa. Current Projects Using network analyses to understand how invasion of non-native plants influence microbial community interactions Using quantitative stable isotope probing (qSIP) to investigate microbial responses to environmental perturbation Selected Publications Schwartz, E., M. Hayer, Read more…
Lifen Jiang

Lifen Jiang

Dr. Lifen Jiang got her Ph.D. in Botany. Her past research was to explore carbon cycle as affected by forest succession and plant invasion. Her current research interest includes ecosystem responses to global change and uncertainty in modeling ecosystem carbon dynamics and model evaluations and improvements. Meanwhile, she has been Read more…

Helena Kleiner

Helena is interested in the role of climate change in changing disturbance regimes in ecosystems. Previously, she has studied changing carbon cycling under global change disturbances in coastal marshes in the Chesapeake Bay. Presently, she is working with the Mack and Walker Labs to study wildfire disturbances in the boreal Read more…

Benjamin Koch

Koch’s research explores how interactions among organisms regulate and are regulated by the cycling of energy and materials in ecosystems. He studies primarily the ecology of streams and rivers. He uses detailed natural history observations, field experiments, and quantitative modeling to reveal how ecosystems work, with the aim of improving Read more…

Weronika Konwent

Weronika has a varied scientific background, spanning many disciplines in many ecosystems. She is currently most interested in soil and forest health, conducting and participating in research with an applied and management focus.
Portrait of Rebecca Mau

Rebecca Mau

Research Interests Mau is broadly interested in better understanding how ecological principles from macroecology translate to the microbial world. With the use of a novel technique developed in her lab, quantitative stable isotope probing (qSIP), she can not only see what organisms are active in the soil, but can quantitatively Read more…
Kate Peterson Portrait

Kate Petersen

As an experienced science writer and Arizona native, Kate Petersen helps Ecoss and its McAllister program connect and communicate its work with communities on and beyond the Colorado Plateau. Prior to joining Ecoss, Kate was a Jones Lecturer in Creative Writing and a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University. She holds Read more…
Portrait of Jeff Propster

Jeff Propster

Research Interests Propster is generally interested in soil ecology and microbial nutrient cycling. His current research involves investigating mycorrhizal fungal production in tropical forests (Global Ecosystem Monitoring Network) and its role in carbon cycling and climate feedbacks. He is also interested in using molecular techniques to characterize soil microbial communities Read more…