Charles Truettner

Truettner is studying how wildfires affect the carbon cycle in Alaskan boreal forests using measurements from soils, tree rings, and forest stand demographics in reburned areas to further understand how these landscapes are turning from an atmospheric carbon-sink ecosystem to a source. Isotope dendrochronology is another passion and was the Read more…
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Xingjie (Chris) Lu

Xingjie Lu is interested in studying ecosystem C cycle responses to climate change using compartment models. He focuses on understanding the response in traceable components of C cycle models, such as residence time and productivity. He also engaged in cutting-edge developments of trait-based terrestrial ecosystem models, trying to incorporate plant Read more…
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Shuang (YoYo) Ma

Shuang is interested in feedbacks from terrestrial ecosystems to climate change. Her recent work include estimating methane and nitrous oxide responses to warming and elevated CO2 concentrations and forecasting in a northern peatland ecosystem. She uses process-based modeling and data assimilation to advance predictability in Earth System Models and detecting Read more…

Tyler Roberts

Tyler is researching intraspecific variation in plant traits and relationships to herbivory within the context of restoration and climate change. His diverse background in wildlife, marine, and community level research has naturally evolved into broad research focus aimed at informing southwest restoration practices and clarifying organismal to community level relationships. Read more…
Portrait of Marguerite Mauritz, post-doctoral scientist.

Marguerite Mauritz

As arctic temperatures rise, we expect to see dramatic changes due to thawing permafrost soils. Permafrost stores half the total amount of carbon (C) found in soils globally, and twice as much C as is found in the atmosphere. As permafrost thaws, the stored C becomes vulnerable to loss because Read more…

Juliana Carney

Juliana’s research focuses on the impacts of fire in freshwater environments and how changed fluvial geomorphology and stream water chemistry affect leaf litter decomposition. She hopes this research will provide a better understanding for management purposes in post-fire aquatic environments and over all restoration efforts.
Portrait of Anya Metcalfe

Anya Metcalfe

How do dams affect aquatic food webs? That’s one question that brought Anya Metcalfe to NAU, where she’s now a second-year Masters student in Jane Marks’ Lab. Anya’s research is unique at Ecoss because it’s using samples collected by a wide array of citizens rather than trained ecologists. Anya’s research Read more…