Yuan focuses on ecosystem modeling, especially at semiarid sites. By applying MCMC method in the ecosystem model, he is working on better quantifying carbon dynamics of the semiarid sites. Full Curriculum Vitae
Explorations into the boundary of ecosystem-climate interactions through the lenses of biogeochemistry and ecology in the face of climate change, with a predominant focus on Arctic peatland and tundra. Full Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Haubensak is a field ecologist who works at the interface of communities and ecosystems, examining plant-soil interactions in the context of restoration, biological invasions, and climate change. Lab Website Full Curriculum Vitae Selected Publications Grove, S., Haubensak KA, Gehring C, and Parker IM (2017) Mycorrhizae, invasions, and the temporal Read more…
Paul’s research involves understanding how carbon pools move throughout different plant communities. Specifically looking at how processes such as soil respiration link surface and subsurface ecosystems through the exchange of carbon. The goal of this research is to learn more about how these carbon exchanges vary across the landscape so Read more…
Research Interests Schädel is a biogeochemist and plant ecophysiologist with expertise in climate change, ranging from arctic warming impacts on permafrost carbon to plant responses to elevated carbon dioxide. Her work has included empirical, modeling, and synthesis approaches. Currently, as Assistant Research Professor at Northern Arizona University, she conducts synthesis Read more…
Lauren is interested in how changing disturbance regimes in boreal forests are affecting stand dynamics and carbon cycling. Her research focuses on how increasing fire frequency and severity affects post-fire regeneration and forest resilience in Interior Alaska.
Hampton’s research focuses on the ecology and management of global change, and microbial ecology from humans to the globe. Her research occurs in woodlands and forests in the temperate zone. Through applied research, Hampton hopes to contribute to improvements in ecosystem health and efforts to mitigate global climate change. Current Read more…
Research Interests Tim wants to improve our understanding of terrestrial ecosystems by studying how individual plants and plant communities function. He uses observations, experiments, simulations and theory to achieve this goal. Currently, he focuses on how and why trees grow wood, due to the huge importance of wood for many Read more…
Selected Publications: Chan, F.C., Arain, M.A., Khomik, M., Brodeur, J.J., Peichl, M., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Thorne, R., Beamesderfer, E., McKenzie, S., Xu, B. and Croft, H., 2018. Carbon, water and energy exchange dynamics of a young pine plantation forest during the initial fourteen years of growth. Forest Ecology and Management, 410, Read more…