Bijan SeyednasrollahPostdoctoral Scientist

Bijan is a quantitative environmental scientist with special expertise on geospatial analyses, remote sensing, hierarchical Bayesian statistics and physics-based modeling. The overarching questions that he is interested in are: “how does climate change influence ecosystem dynamics?” and “how do climate change impacts vary spatially and temporally?”
Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Richardson AD, Hufkens D, Milliman T, Aubrecht, M, Furze E, Seyednasrollah B, Krassovski MB, Latimer JM, Nettles WR, Heiderman RR, Warren JM, Hanson PJ (2018) Ecosystem warming extends vegetation activity but heightens cold temperature vulnerability. Nature, 560, 368-371. doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0399-1.
Seyednasrollah B, Swenson JJ, Domec JC, Clark JS (2018) Leaf phenology paradox: why warming matters most where it is already warm. Remote Sensing of Environment, 209, 446-455. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.059.
Clark JS, Nemergut D, Seyednasrollah B, Turner P, Zhang S (2017) Generalized joint attribute modeling for biodiversity analysis: Median-zero, multivariate, multifarious data. Ecological Monographs, 87(1), 34-56. doi:10.1002/ecm.1241.
Seyednasrollah B & Kumar M (2014) Net radiation in a snow-covered discontinuous forest gap for a range of gap sizes and topographic configurations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119(17). doi:10.1002/2014JD021809.
Seyednasrollah B & Kumar M (2013). “Effects of tree morphometry on net snowcover radiation on forest floor for varying forest densities”, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118, 12508-12521. doi:10.1002/2012JD019378.
Seyednasrollah B, Kumar M, Link TE (2013) On the role of vegetation density on net snow cover radiation at the forest floor. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 118, 8359-8374. doi:10.1002/jgrd.50575.