Apply to ESSTE!

Apply to ESSTE!

Ecological and Social Science
Training and Education

ESSTE is a unique, 3-semester internship and mentorship opportunity for undergraduate students to help prepare the next generation to address the challenge of increasing drought, fires, and floods.

The ESSTE program is in response to an awareness that there is a lack of job training and placement in fields related to natural resources, particularly for underrepresented ethnic and racial groups. As a Hispanic serving institution (HSI) in the heart of the forested southwest, 16 NAU faculty, supported by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), have created the job readiness program (ESSTE) aimed at educating diverse students in the historical context and contemporary challenges related to land management, social systems, and climate change. There is a need for a larger workforce in the near future to address climate driven challenges such as drought, forest fires, and floods on both ecological and social levels.

To learn more about ESSTE in Spanish:

What can this program provide you?

  • A two-semester course (1 credit hour per semester) where you will learn about key issues and job opportunities related to the changing environment of the Southwest.
  • A paid summer internship with an agency, organization, or other group that is doing the kind of work you may like to pursue after graduation.
  • Contacts and networking opportunities that can help you land a rewarding job.
  • A new group of friends and mentors to help you succeed at NAU and beyond.
Examples of the experiences you can expect from ESSTE, in the classroom, field, and beyond

Why should you apply?

  • Do you like the outdoors?
  • Interested in helping our natural environment?
  • Concerned about how communities are dealing with the challenge of increasing wildfire and drought?
  • Wondering how your education will help land you a good job?

If you said “yes” to any of these, ESSTE could be for you!

*** Apply for 2025-2026 soon! ***

*Applications for ESSTE Fall 2024 are currently closed. Applications will open again in Spring of 2025. *

Submit your brief application here: (Link will open spring ’25)

Attend an Information Session: Spring semester 2025

Meet Our Leadership Team at NAU!

Primary contact: George Koch – Forest Ecology (

Rebecca Best – Riparian Ecosystems & Aquatic Ecology (
Diana Calvo – Environmental Engineering (
Salli Dymond – Ecohydrology & Watershed Management (
Catrin Edgeley – Natural Resource Policy & Human Dimensions of Forestry (
Pete Fulé – Forests & Fire Ecology, Ecological Restoration (
Jane Marks – Stream Ecology & Stream Restoration (
Denielle Perry – Water Policy, Riverine Ecosystem Conservation (
Catherine Propper – Water Quality, Ecotoxicology (
Pranay Ranjan – Environmental Science & Policy (
Lucero Radonic – Society & Environment Interactions (
Andrew Richardson – Global Change Ecology & Remote Sensing (
Allie Shenken – Forest Ecology & Remote Sensing (
Abe Springer – Hydrology (
Andi Thode – Fire Ecology & Management (

Have questions or want more information? Contact a faculty member by email (above)

Read about ESSTE in NAU News!