Natasha Wesely

Natasha is an ecological informatics PhD student in the T3 program in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS) at NAU. She is an NSF Graduate Research Fellow in addition to an NSF NRT T3 fellow. Her research interests broadly include ecosystem modeling, model-data fusion, terrestrial carbon cycling, Read more…

Savannah Wilson

Savannah is a master’s student co-advised by Michelle Mack and Xanthe Walker. She is interested in forest ecology and plant community response to disturbance and climate change. Specifically, she wants to understand how plant communities in boreal forest ecosystems are changing in response to wildfires and climate change. Full Curriculum Read more…

Mike Zampini

Mike’s research focuses on the pathways of carbon and nitrogen during leaf litter decomposition in stream ecosystems. At NAU, Mike hopes to understand changes in the breakdown of organic matter within the context of global change, and predict how these shifts might impact the global carbon budget.

Bram Stone

Dr. Stone’s research is unified by a desire to understand the role of the microbial world in shaping larger processes. Currently, he is exploring the contribution of the microbial community towards soil carbon flux. He is also interested in the relationship between plants and their constituent microbiomes and the consequences Read more…

Melissa Boyd

Boyd conducts research on ecosystem resilience and vulnerability to disturbance in high latitude ecosystems. Her work is strongly focused on the effects of climate and insect outbreaks on tree productivity and understanding the impacts of fuel reduction treatments on ecosystem structure and fire behavior in boreal forests. She is experienced Read more…
rebecca hewitt headshot

Rebecca Hewitt

Research Interests Hewitt’s research focuses on how species traits and interactions shape community structure and ecosystem function. She is particularly keen to investigate the role of plant-fungal interactions in carbon and nitrogen cycling, community assembly after disturbance, and landscape patterns of vegetation change. Full Curriculum Vitae Selected Publications Hewitt, R. Read more…
Headshot Jim LeMoine

Jim Le Moine

Jim manages the labs for Professor Mariah Carbone and Professor Andrew Richardson. His research interests include terrestrial ecosystem science and global change; terrestrial carbon, nitrogen, and mercury cycling; biosphere-atmosphere interactions; phenology; forest ecology and management; tree physiology; and the use of using isotopes (especially 13C, 14C, and 15N) to understand biogeochemical cycling. Read more…
Portrait of Samantha Miller

Samantha Miller

Research Interests Miller is generally interested in feedbacks between plant community composition and ecosystem processes. In addition to overseeing day-to-day operations in the lab, Miller manages several long-term research projects: Quantifying differences in C and nutrient cycling between two post-fire successional trajectories in Interior Alaska Measuring leaf litter decomposition across Read more…
Portrait of Melanie Caron

Mélanie Caron

Caron’s research activities are focused on the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on aquatic food web structure, composition, and behavior of aquatic organisms using stable isotope techniques. Her research interests can be broken down into three different aspects: 1) aquatic food web modeling of abiotic and biotic interactions, 2) Read more…