Paul DijkstraResearch Professor

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Climate change effects on terrestrial ecosystems, Applications of stable isotopes on C and N cycling processes
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Research Interests

Dijkstra’s research focuses on various aspects of climate change effects on terrestrial ecosystems and applications of stable isotopes in the study of short and long-term C and N cycling processes. These studies allow him to work in a large range of ecosystems, from desert grasslands to tropical forests, from mountain streams to hot springs.

Current Projects
  • Analysis of metabolic processes in microbial communities in soils and aquatic ecosystems
  • C and N-cycling in hot-springs in China and USA
  • Mineralogical controls over soil C priming
  • Long-term climate change effects on C and N cycling in four ecosystems along an elevation gradient
Selected publications

Wu Z, Dijkstra P, Koch GW, Hungate BA, 2012. Biogeochemical and ecological feedbacks in grassland responses to warming. Nature Climate Change 2, 458-461. doi:10.1038/nclimate1486
