Ellery Vaughan

Ellery is interested in the structure and functioning of northern ecosystems and their responses to climate change and anthropogenic disturbances. She is investigating how 20 years of experimental nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization has impacted the carbon and nutrient pools of an Alaskan boreal forest, and how these responses are influenced Read more…
Graduate Student Alicia Purcell

Alicia Purcell

Full Curriculum Vitae Selected Publications: Purcell, A.M., Mikucki, J.A., Achberger, A.M., Alekhina, I.A., Barbante, C., Christner, B.C., et al. (2014). Microbial sulfur transformations in sediments from Subglacial Lake Whillans. Frontiers in microbiology. 5:594.    
Portrait of Gerardo Celis sitting with trees in the background.

Gerardo Celis

Research Interests Plant Ecology Restoration Ecology Invasion Ecology Climate Change Data Visualization Dr. Celis has a broad interest in terrestrial ecosystem processes, in particular how anthropogenic impacts influence these processes. He is currently working on understanding how rising arctic temperatures will affect the C balance of arctic ecosystems. He also Read more…

Aaron Teets

Aaron is interested in a broad range of questions related to forest carbon dynamics. As a graduate student at NAU, he would like to address the factors affecting annual tree growth (i.e., woody biomass increment), CO2 uptake (from eddy covariance towers), and tree phenology. He will be using long-term ecological Read more…

Dylan Baldassari

Dylan’s research investigates plant and fungal range expansion at the boreal arctic ecotone, where average annual temperatures are rising 2.5 times as quickly as the global average. His work explores the nutrient economies of plant symbiotic fungi in two major fungal groups: mycorrhiza and foliar endophytes. His work also seeks Read more…

Betsy Black

Betsy is interested in understanding how forests and their capacities to store carbon are changing in light of climate change. She conducts her research on boreal forests in Alaska and Canada that are experiencing novel wildfire regimes.