Natasja van GestelAssistant Research Professor

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Photo of postdoctoral scientist Natasja van Gestel
Global Change Ecology, Biogeochemistry Texas Tech University Climate Science Center
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 Van Gestel’s research focuses on quantitative global change ecology, from biogeochemical cycles to biodiversity to sustainable agriculture. She uses a variety of quantitative approaches, such as data assimilation, meta-analyses and multivariate analyses. She works in a broad array of ecosystems, from deserts to grasslands to forests to the poles, and at different scales, from the microbial to the ecosystem level.
Current Project
  • Combining meta-analysis with modeling to synthesize results from field experiments worldwide
Selected Publications

van Gestel N, Dhungana N, Tissue D, Zak J. (In press) Seasonal microbial and nutrient responses during a five-year reduction in the daily temperature range of soil in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Oecologia

Hungate B, Mau R, Schwartz E, Caporaso G, Dijkstra P, van Gestel N, Koch B, Liu C, McHugh T, Marks J, Morrissey E, Price L (2015) Quantitative Microbial Ecology Through Stable Isotope Probing. Applied Environmental Microbiology 81:7570-7581

Pittelkow C, Liang X, Linquist B, van Groenigen KJ, Lee J, Lundy M, van Gestel N, Six J, Venterea R, van Kessel C (2015) Productivity limits and potentials of the principles of conservation agriculture. Nature 517 (7534): 365-368

van Gestel N, Reischke S, Bååth E (2013) Temperature sensitivity of bacterial growth in a hot desert soil with large temperature fluctuations. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 65:180-18
