Craig SeePostdoctoral Scientist

Craig studies how environmental factors (e.g. climate, soils nutrients) affect the rate at which plants and microbes cycle carbon through ecosystems. His interests include mycorrhizal ecology, coupled elemental cycling, and quantifying uncertainty in ecosystem calculations. Currently Craig’s research focuses on how permafrost thaw affects the exchange of carbon between the land and atmosphere in high latitude systems.
Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
See, C.R., A.B. Keller, S.E. Hobbie, P.G. Kennedy, P.K. Weber and J. Pett-Ridge. 2022. Hyphae move matter and microbes to minerals for stabilization. Global Change Biology 28(8)
See, C.R., A.M. Conley, L.C. Delancey, C.W. Fernandez, K.A. Heckman, P.G. Kennedy, and S.E. Hobbie. 2021. Distinct carbon fractions drive a generalisable two pool model of fungal necromass decomposition Functional Ecology 35(3)
See, C.R., M.B. Green, R.D. Yanai, A. Bailey, J.L. Campbell, and J.A. Hayward. 2020. Quantifying uncertainty in annual runoff due to missing data PeerJ 8(e9531)
See, C.R., M.L. McCormack, H. Flores-Moreno, S.E. Hobbie, W.L. Silver, and P.G. Kennedy. 2019. Global patterns in fine-root decomposition: climate, chemistry, mycorrhizal association and woodiness. Ecology Letters 22(6)
See, C.R., R.D. Yanai, M.C. Fisk, M. Vadeboncoeur, B.A. Quintero, and T.J. Fahey. 2015. Soil nitrogen affects phosphorus recycling: foliar resorption and plant-soil feedbacks in a northern hardwood forest. Ecology 96(9)