Benjamin KochSenior Research Scientist

Koch’s research explores how interactions among organisms regulate and are regulated by the cycling of energy and materials in ecosystems. He studies primarily the ecology of streams and rivers. He uses detailed natural history observations, field experiments, and quantitative modeling to reveal how ecosystems work, with the aim of improving ecosystem stewardship.
Current Projects
- Ecology and epidemiology of foodborne bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance
- Estimating nitrogen retention by urban stormwater control structures
Selected Publications
Koch, B.J., C.M. Febria, M. Gevrey, L.A. Wainger, and M.A. Palmer. Accepted. Nitrogen removal by stormwater management structures: a data synthesis. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
Pokallus, J.W., G.M. Campbell, B.J. Koch, and J.N. Pauli. 2011. The landscape of ecology. Ecosphere 2:22, doi:10.1890/ES10-00173.1
Hall, R.O., M.A. Baker, C.D. Arp, and B.J. Koch. 2009. Hydrologic control of nitrogen removal, storage, and export in a mountain stream. Limnology and Oceanography 54:2128-2142.
Hall, R.O., B.J. Koch, M.C. Marshall, B.W. Taylor, and L.M. Tronstad. 2007. How body size mediates the role of animals in nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems. Pages 286-305 In: Hildrew, A.G., D.G. Raffaelli, and R. Edmonds-Brown (eds.) Body size: The structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.