Caroline HavrillaPostdoctoral Scientist
Caroline is a a plant and soil ecologist working at the interface of community and ecosystem ecology. Her research program broadly seeks to understand the ecology of terrestrial ecosystems and their responses to global change. She is currently a postdoc at the US Geological Survey Southwest Biological Science Center and Northern Arizona University investigating plant community vulnerability to climate change and predictors of restoration success in dryland ecosystems of the Southwestern US. Caroline is committed to using science to inform effective land management, decision-making, and public policy in a changing world.
Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Havrilla CA, Chaudhary VB, Antoninka AJ, Belnap J, Bowker MA, Chaudhary VB, Eldridge DJ, Leslie AD, Faist AM, Ferrenberg S, Huber-Sannwald E, Rodriguez-Caballero E, Zhang YM, Barger NN (2019) Towards a predictive framework for biocrust mediation of plant performance: a meta-analysis. Journal of Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13269
Havrilla CA, Leslie AD, Di Biase J, Barger NN (2019) Species-specificity in biocrust facilitation of plant growth is not predicted by differences in root-associated fungal colonization among species. Plant and Soil. doi: 1007/s11104-019-04306-4
Havrilla CA & Barger NN (2018) Biocrusts and their disturbance mediate the recruitment of native and exotic grasses from a hot desert ecosystem. Ecosphere, 9(7). doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2361
Havrilla, CA, Faist AM, Barger NN (2017) Understory plant community responses to fuel reduction treatments and seeding in an upland piñon-juniper woodland. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 70(5), 609-620. doi: 1016/j.rama.2017.04.002
Hund AK, Churchill AC, Faist AM, Havrilla CA, Stowell SM, McCreery HF, Ng J, Pinzone CA, Scordato ESC (2018) Transforming mentoring in STEM by training early-career scientists to be better leaders. Ecology & Evolution, 8, 9962–9974. doi: 10.1002/ece3.4527