Xin HuangGraduate Student

Published by Stephanie Mayer on

Traceability analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Ensemble prediction Dr. Yiqi Luo
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Xin works in the field combing high performance computation and ecosystem. Currently, her research mainly focuses on sensitivity analysis of terrestrial models based on observation data, trying to identify their influentially uncertain components and capture different models’ divergence along with their developments, especially Community Land Models (CLMs). This work contributes to the evaluation and improvement of Earth System Models (ESMs) for more accurate climate change predictions.


Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications

Xu H, Zhang T, Luo Y, Xue W, Huang X (2018) Parameter Calibration in Global Land Carbon Models Using Surrogate and Global Optimization. Geoscientific Model Development, 11, 3027-3044.

Zhang T, Li L, Lin Y, Xue W, Huang X (2018) An automatic and effective parameter optimization method for model tuning. Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 3791-3822.
