Pete ChuckranGraduate Student

Research Interests
Chuckran’s research is largely focused on the gene expression of soil microbial communities during the nitrogen cycle. By isolating the RNA for a soil community, referred to as the metatranscriptome, it is possible to gain an understanding of gene expression at a given time point. Through incubation, greenhouse, and field studies, Chuckran hopes to be able to identify specific genes associated with biogeochemical cycling and environmental stress.
Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications:
Antoninka A, Bowker MA, Chuckran P, Barger NN, Reed S, Belnap J. 2017. Maximizing establishment and survivorship of field-collected and greenhouse-cultivated biocrusts in a semi-cold desert. Plant and Soil. 3300-3
Chuckran P, and Frank D.A. 2013. Herbivores regulate the sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition to warming. Environmental Research Letters 8: 044013.