Mélanie CaronAssistant Director, Colorado Plateau Stable Isotope Laboratory
Caron’s research activities are focused on the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on aquatic food web structure, composition, and behavior of aquatic organisms using stable isotope techniques. Her research interests can be broken down into three different aspects: 1) aquatic food web modeling of abiotic and biotic interactions, 2) stable isotopic techniques and applications to lacustrine and fluvial studies, and 3) method development in stable isotopic techniques for deuterium analysis and the potential use of deuterium in aquatic ecology and river food web modeling.
Advance training
Stable Isotope Mass Spectrometer Operator Courses, EA and Mass Spectrometer sections – June 17th-21st, 2013. Isomass Scientific Training Centre, University of Ottawa, G.G. Hatch Isotope Laboratories, Ottawa, Canada
Current tasks
- Manage the day-to-day operations of the prep lab portion of CPSIL
- Operate the TC/EA-IRMS and the Picarro CRDS for 13C + dD for hydrogen and carbon isotopes
- Perform data correction, maintenance, method development, and repairs
- Primary contact for NAU and external clients regarding analyses offered in our laboratory
Selected Publications and Presentations
Doucett, R.R., J.C. Marks, D.W. Blinn, M. Caron, and B.A. Hungate. 2007. Measuring terrestrial subsidies to aquatic food webs using stable isotopes of hydrogen. Ecology 88:1587-1592
Caron, M., R.R. Doucett, J.L. Sabo, and T.A. Kennedy. 2008. Tracing terrestrial and aquatic organic matter sources in the Colorado River food web using stable isotopes of hydrogen (dD). 6th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Honolulu, HI.
Caron, M., R.R. Doucett, J.L Sabo, and T.A. Kennedy. 2008. Longitudinal and seasonal partitioning of trophic linkages in the Colorado River food web using stable hydrogen isotopes (dD). Northern American Benthological Society, Salt Lake City, UT.
Caron, M., R.R. Doucett and J.L. Sabo. 2007. Quantifying energy flow to aquatic food webs in the Colorado River using stable isotopes of hydrogen (dD). Northern American Benthological Society, Columbia, SC.