Aaron TeetsGraduate Student

Published by Stephanie Mayer on

Forest ecology, Dendrochronology, Eddy covariance, Cabon dynamics, Phenology, Climate drivers aft49@nau.edu Dr. Mariah Carbone
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Aaron is interested in a broad range of questions related to forest carbon dynamics. As a graduate student at NAU, he would like to address the factors affecting annual tree growth (i.e., woody biomass increment), CO2 uptake (from eddy covariance towers), and tree phenology. He will be using long-term ecological data (including tree-ring measurements, eddy-covariance data, and Phenocam images) to address how climate drivers affect forest carbon sequestration. This research could be used to for maximizing forest yield or understanding long term implications of climate change, and could be applicable from a forest management or CO2 mitigation perspectives.


Full Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications

Teets A, Fraver S, Weiskittel AR, Hollinger DY (2018) Quantifying climate—growth relationships at the stand level in a mature mixed-species conifer forest. Global Change Biology, 24, 3587-3602. doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14120

Teets A, Fraver S,  Hollinger DY, Weiskittel AR, Seymour RS, Richardson AD (2018) Linking annual tree growth with eddy-flux measures of net ecosystem productivity across twenty years of observation in a mixed conifer forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 249, 479-487. doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.08.007

Patterson TW, Maxwell RS, Harley GL, Oliver JS, Speer J, Collins S, Downe M, Gannon B, Ma L, Raso C, Russell C, Teets A (2016) Research Note: Climate-growth relationships of Pinus rigida at the northern range limit, Acadia National Park, Maine. Northeastern Naturalist, 23, 490-500. doi.org/10.1656/045.023.0406
