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Ecoss Statement on Diversity, Inclusion, and Community The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society (Ecoss) at NAU is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where all members feel valued and inspired to contribute to the Center’s success. We believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace leads to greater innovation and […]

Mycorrhizal controls on belowground litter quality

Plant productivity and ecosystem productivity are strongly influenced by nutrient availability, which is largely determined by the decomposition rate of plant litter. Belowground litter inputs (dead roots, mycorrhizae, and exudates) are larger than aboveground litterfall in many systems. Chemical quality and diameter primarily control decomposition for coarse roots, but these […]

Virus bacteria cells as seen in a three-dimensional microscopic rendering.

Human Microbiome

Ecoss studies the microbial communities of the human body and the implications for disease including STDs and HIV, as well as analyzing the microbial community using bioinformatics, community ecology theory and Bayesian statistical modeling.